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Sunday, April 26, 2009


What can you do on a rainy or snowy day when it is hard for some of us to get out and enjoy nature? Why not use the power of the internet to keep your eye on nature from the comfort of your own home? Here are a few of my favourite webcams to keep checking over the next few months, to watch the eagles and falcons, hatch, grow and fledge.

Hamilton Falconwatch...(4 eggs to be ready by Mother's Day)

Eagles near Duke Farms (3 chicks already!!)

Various BC Eagle webcams (you can watch in our evenings, still daylight there!)

Or...go to
and search for your favourite bird species! Enjoy!

Posted by Walt Balenovich

1 comment:

Terry Smith said...

Too bad we don't have a livecam set up for the Coopers Hawks who have set up home again in the woodlot along North Creek (look for a "stick nest" on the east side of North Creek at the north end in the most southern spruce tree - you can often see the birds near the nest or a banded tail sticking out over the edge of the nest)