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Saturday, September 29, 2012


"The lovely signs that we installed at Sam Smith have faded since they were installed (green has turned to blue is the most obvious sign), which is a defect, and our vendor has agreed to replace them at no cost to the City.  We will be removing the existing panels early next week, and temporarily replacing them with plywood until we can get replacements (likely December before we receive them, and installed as soon as possible thereafter).  Ideally we would have replacements prior to removing the existing panels, but our vendor wants to have the defective panels in hand before fabricating replacements."

Janette Harvey
Natural Environment Specialist
City of Toronto - Parks, Forestry & Recreation
Natural Environment & Community Programs

1 comment:

Eugene Knapik said...

I respect that many people enjoy the interpretive signs, but personally, I'm not a big fan of them. I would prefer a nice thorough website about the park, with lots of information about birds and wildlife and history and so on, perhaps something that was smartphone friendly, or a Sam Smith app, so if you're in the park and you want to learn about something, you can go in and grab it. And then when you leave, there are no signs left behind.

What do you think?