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Monday, July 5, 2021


Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting

June 28, 2021

7:02 PM, Via Zoom Video Conferencing

NEW FOSS WEBSITE: We are working on an updated website to replace the current FOSS blog. It should be up and running later this year and will have the same domain name as the blog.  The more than a thousand posts on the existing blog will be archived, searchable and accessible from the new website. 

MEMBERSHIP: Memberships for May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022 are due now ($10 for individuals and $15 for a family) and can now be obtained via e-transfer link - cheques and cash are still accepted.  Please go to the FOSS blog for e-transfer info and printable membership form for mailing.

WASHROOMS: As of July 5th, washrooms at the Power House will be open M/W/F from 8:30am-5pm and T/Th from 9:30am-7:00pm and Sat. from 8:30am-3:30pm. These washrooms must be staffed for screening and contact tracing purposes. If outdoor programming is cancelled due to inclement weather, the washrooms will be closed.

Ken Cox washrooms are open M-F from 9:00am-5:00pm.

An accessible portable toilet is available 24/7 outside the Power House.

In the event that these facilities are not available during designated “open” hours, visitors are asked to contact Ellen at Councillor Grimes’ office.

CLIFF SWALLOWS: In spite of protection promised by the Migratory Birds Act, the Cliff Swallow nesting colony (formerly one of the largest in the city) at the water treatment plant was destroyed during plant renovations. Some of the birds found alternate nesting sites at nearby Father John Redmond High School. FOSS would like to thank the school’s principal for his assurance that the birds will not be disturbed. Recently, new nests have appeared at the water treatment plant. As the building no longer has overhangs, the colony there will most likely not grow to equal its former size.

THE LARGE BOWL: After FOSS’s voicing concern about the need for greater naturalization of the area around the Large Bowl, city representatives agreed and have suggested planting additional shrubs. Volunteers will be required. Other areas of the park are also being considered for increased diversity of vegetation and more signage/fencing. Details to be determined. 

CAUTION/WARNING: It is illegal to cut any vegetation in the park whether it be invasive burdock or native (wildlife friendly) Canada thistle.

Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.

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