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Monday, May 31, 2010

The two birdhouses will be installed later on in the year. Toronto Region Conservation Authority will assess how best to install them in the right locations and in such a way that they can be cleaned out each September.
As a follow-up to the very successful first Sam Smith Spring Bird Festival last Saturday, it's an opportune time to consider the fact that Canada needs an official representative national bird. The Red-Tailed Hawk and the Canada Goose have been suggested, but there are many other species that might well fill the bill.
If you wish to participate in a national survey/petition to be delivered to the government, click here. But first, read this to consider criteria you might use to make your choice.
(Red-Tailed Hawks are occasionally observed in Sam Smith Park)
If you wish to participate in a national survey/petition to be delivered to the government, click here. But first, read this to consider criteria you might use to make your choice.
(Red-Tailed Hawks are occasionally observed in Sam Smith Park)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
CCFEW (Citizens Concerned for the Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront) has created a bird checklist (2009) which lists all the birds that have been seen on the bird walks that they have run over the years in Sam Smith Park and Humber Bay.
Many thanks to Brian and Barbara Keaveney, Brian Bailey and Dave Hallet for producing this valuable resource.
For a PDF version, go to their website to download it.
There will be CCFEW organized bird walks starting at 8 a.m. at Saturday's Bird Festival.
Many thanks to Brian and Barbara Keaveney, Brian Bailey and Dave Hallet for producing this valuable resource.
For a PDF version, go to their website to download it.
There will be CCFEW organized bird walks starting at 8 a.m. at Saturday's Bird Festival.
This amazing photograph was recently taken at Leslie Street Spit (Tommy Thompson Park). It shows migrating whimbrels flying overhead in the mist, on their way, no doubt, towards Sam Smith and, later, James Bay. Note the radio transmitter on the bird at bottom centre. (Double click on photograph for better view)
It is hard to believe that it does not impede flying. For more information on the tracking program , click here. To follow the 28 000 km journey of a whimbrel named Hope, click here.
See previous FOSS blog post also.
It is hard to believe that it does not impede flying. For more information on the tracking program , click here. To follow the 28 000 km journey of a whimbrel named Hope, click here.
See previous FOSS blog post also.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The City has now installed new interpretive signage in the park. Thanks go out to Janette Harvey for making this happen. Janette is a Natural Environment Specialist with the City of Toronto - Parks, Recreation and Forestry. To come up with the signs' content, she consulted with an energetic group of students from Sir Sandford Fleming College, members of Friends of Sam Smith Park and CCFEW.
Anything that draws visitors' attention to wildlife and habitat in the
park helps to cement in peoples' minds the fact that Sam Smith is a nature park
and awakens a strong interest in preserving it as such. There was a guy in the park
this morning who bragged about going home to his wife and impressing her with
the actual names of birds he had seen and throwing out a few facts!
Come and check them all out.
On Victoria Day, third bay looked like the French Riviera! It is wonderful to see the park so well used by families as the community and the City get to hear more about it.
But ..... it is surely time that the City Parks Department started opening the Power House washrooms, especially on weekends and holidays. It is not rocket science to figure out what "facilities' are being used right now!
But ..... it is surely time that the City Parks Department started opening the Power House washrooms, especially on weekends and holidays. It is not rocket science to figure out what "facilities' are being used right now!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Everyone is welcome to come down and take part in the observation and learn about this fascinating bird.
To date this year, about 700 have passed through from a group of about 6 000
that has wintered in the coastal marshes of Virginia. There, they have gorged on fiddler crabs using their specially
adapted curved bills to extricate them from their hiding holes in the sandy
shores. This year, 6 have been
fitted with transmitters to monitor their non-stop migration from Virginia to
their breeding grounds in the James Bay lowlands, a trip of 11 000 km in just
about 24 hours. There is a receiver on
the roof of the Lakeshore Yacht Club in the park to pick up signals. Go to this website to learn more about this tracking system used last year. Observers in Virginia tell the TOC how many
set off at dusk from there and observers here in Toronto know how many to
expect 10 hours later at dawn here.
Most of the birds leaving Virginia are recorded passing through Toronto. At the Sam Smith Spring Bird Festival this coming Saturday (May 29th), Toronto Region Conservation Authority will have a display to explain this interesting work.
Check out this website to monitor their progress (Note how the whimbrel named "Hope" joined the western group last year in the McKenzie Delta in the Yukon and later rejoined the eastern group)
still, come and join the observers.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Natural environment specialists at City Parks have been able to secure
funding for a volunteer planting event in this area.
The G20 organizing committee is donating money to the City of
Toronto for tree planting, and they requested a site for a community planting
event. One of the sites proposed to them was Sam Smith Park and our park
has been selected.
The planting will take place on Friday, May 28th
from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and about 40 volunteers are needed. Volunteers must wear close-toed shoes.
Please make an effort to support this. The press will be
there and it, along with the Spring Bird Festival the next day, will offer a
great opportunity to promote Sam Smith as the nature park that it truly is.
Please e-mail FOSS if you are able to come.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Red Necked Grebe on one of the Conservation Authority's TRCA's experimental nesting platforms in marina.

I birded the park and adjacent Humber College Campus from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm for a big part of day. The 'bowl area' was the big ticket item today, but other areas surprisingly had much more warbler activity in the afternoon. There seemed to be a complete turnover of warblers in the 'bowl area' between 9:00 and 10:00 am when the wind picked up and it clouded over then cooled off and brightened up. Overall the winds were quite light all day.
The highlight was a male Blue-winged Warbler off the north end of Bowl in a Horse Chestnut Tree just behind the brick house near Lakeshore. The warblers today were dominated by four species: Yellow-rumped, Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green and Palm Warblers. These are the total numbers for each species (lowest to highest). Wilson's Warbler:1; Canada Warbler: 1; Mourning Warbler: 1; Pine Warbler: 1; Blue-winged Warbler: 1; Common Yellowthroat: 3; Tennessee Warbler: 3: Nashville Warbler: 3; Cape May Warbler: 6; Blackburnian Warbler: 13; Magnolia Warbler: 13; Yellow Warbler: 15; Northern Parula: 16; Black-throated Blue Warbler: 20; Black-and-white Warbler: 24; American Redstart; 31; Palm Warbler: 41; Black-throated Green Warbler: 45; Chestnut-sided Warbler; 65; Yellow-rumped Warbler: 86. About 80% of Magnolia and American Redstarts were males suggesting that at least with these species, there are a lot more to arrive in next week for so. The other common warblers were about equally mixed. Other notable finds today were 2 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, a Grey-check Thrush, 3 Scarlet Tanagers, an Eastern Bluebird and a Spotted Sandpiper nest with four eggs.
Birds shown are the Scarlet Tanager and the Blue-Winged Warbler
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Photos and observations from Heather Jack
The coyote has been observed a number of times galloping along Lake Shore Drive east from the park.
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