Friends of Sam Smith Park
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Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Monday, July 12, 2021
Monday, July 5, 2021
Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting
June 28, 2021
7:02 PM, Via Zoom Video Conferencing
NEW FOSS WEBSITE: We are working on an updated website to replace the current FOSS blog. It should be up and running later this year and will have the same domain name as the blog. The more than a thousand posts on the existing blog will be archived, searchable and accessible from the new website.
MEMBERSHIP: Memberships for May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022 are due now ($10 for individuals and $15 for a family) and can now be obtained via e-transfer link - cheques and cash are still accepted. Please go to the FOSS blog for e-transfer info and printable membership form for mailing.
WASHROOMS: As of July 5th, washrooms at the Power House will be open M/W/F from 8:30am-5pm and T/Th from 9:30am-7:00pm and Sat. from 8:30am-3:30pm. These washrooms must be staffed for screening and contact tracing purposes. If outdoor programming is cancelled due to inclement weather, the washrooms will be closed.
Ken Cox washrooms are open M-F from 9:00am-5:00pm.
An accessible portable toilet is available 24/7 outside the Power House.
In the event that these facilities are not available during designated “open” hours, visitors are asked to contact Ellen at Councillor Grimes’ office.
CLIFF SWALLOWS: In spite of protection promised by the Migratory Birds Act, the Cliff Swallow nesting colony (formerly one of the largest in the city) at the water treatment plant was destroyed during plant renovations. Some of the birds found alternate nesting sites at nearby Father John Redmond High School. FOSS would like to thank the school’s principal for his assurance that the birds will not be disturbed. Recently, new nests have appeared at the water treatment plant. As the building no longer has overhangs, the colony there will most likely not grow to equal its former size.
THE LARGE BOWL: After FOSS’s voicing concern about the need for greater naturalization of the area around the Large Bowl, city representatives agreed and have suggested planting additional shrubs. Volunteers will be required. Other areas of the park are also being considered for increased diversity of vegetation and more signage/fencing. Details to be determined.
CAUTION/WARNING: It is illegal to cut any vegetation in the park whether it be invasive burdock or native (wildlife friendly) Canada thistle.
Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021
We have received a number of requests from people who wish to become Friends of Sam Smith Park members for the option of paying the membership fee electronically. This is now possible.
FOSS annual membership is $10 individual or $15 for a family. There are now two ways to join ...
Mail a downloadable, printable membership form with a cheque or cash - click here.
or ...
Send an e-transfer to and a separate email to the same address with the answer to your e-transfer's security question, your full name, address and phone number.
Thanks for your interest in Colonel Samuel Smith Park.
Your FOSS Team
We are well into spring, and summer is almost here. It has been a different year, but "Friends of Sam Smith Park" (FOSS) has managed to continue many activities none-the less. Some of these have been virtual, like our Dec.- Feb. on-line videos and kids activities, and our current Spring Bird Festival. Others have been more hands-on, like our Winter Bird Feeder Project from Dec.- March at the Skating Trail, and the new grebe nesting platforms in the yacht club basin.
Our usual FOSS membership year runs from May 1- April 30. Last year we did not collect memberships at all, due to the COVID-19 situation, with less going on at the park. This year we would like to start collecting memberships again, since we have had a number of expenses, and our bank account is running very low! The major expense this year has been materials for building 3 new grebe platforms for the yacht club basin, since only 1 of our 4 platforms survived the winter. Labour was donated free! The grebes are now using all 4 platforms for their nests, so this expense was well worth it.
Saturday, June 12, 2021
"Fireworks Bylaw"
Last October, I moved a motion
to request that the City review the fireworks bylaw to see how it could be
reformed to respond to the persistent use of fireworks that we saw last summer.
Earlier in May, staff reported back with the Response to Increased Unpermitted
Fireworks Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic. As we have seen
since the May 24 weekend, there has been a need to strengthen the staff
recommendations in the report.
I drafted a motion to reopen the item, which Councillors Holyday and Crawford
moved on my behalf, and was adopted unanimously by City Council. The motion
directs staff to:
- immediately ban the possession of fireworks in a City
of Toronto park;
- identify a funding source for Municipal Licensing and Standards By-law Officers to enforce fireworks regulations after midnight on the following dates: July 1 to July 4, 2021; July 30 to August 2, 2021; September 3 to September 6, 2021;
- immediately apply to the Province of Ontario, and take
any other steps
required, to double fireworks-related set fines;
- immediately install permanent No Fireworks signage in
Marie Curtis Park, Colonel Samuel Smith Park, Humber Bay Park West, Humber
Bay Park East, Humber Bay Shores Park and any other parks with higher
rates of fireworks non-compliance under the Parks By-law, in consultation
with the local Councillor;
- immediately launch an information campaign, including
transit shelter and electronic billboard ads, to educate the public on the
rules and reinforce that Victoria Day and Canada Day are the only two days
that fireworks are allowed; and
- explore the feasibility of introducing new City of
Toronto fines under the noise by-law and report back in the third quarter
of 2021 to the Economic and Community Development Committee."
You can read the full motion here,
and watch the council item here.-
--- more details are in newsletter
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Link to our Facebook page:
City of Toronto Birder Interviews:
CCFEW: Getting Started in Birding:
Tree Swallow Field with Terry Smith
Journey of Cooper's Hawks, Irene Cholewka
Nancy Barret: Here's two videos of Whimbrels at Whimbrel Point, Col. Sam Smith Park:
Chimney Swifts at dusk, from our mid-Toronto balcony:
Morning Birdsong--Tommy Thompson Park:
Kelly-sue: Bird Walk
Shout! Shout! Turn The Lights Out!
Banana Bird Finds A Home
Tuesday, June 8, 2021
Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting
May 31, 2021
7:05 PM, Via Zoom Video Conferencing
FIREWORKS AT COL. SAM PARK: By-law officers must witness infractions and then call police if any charges are to be laid. FOSS believes the major issue is enforcement. Councillor Grimes is working with city council in an attempt to control the fireworks problem during the upcoming July 1 holiday. Complaints/concerns should be directed to Councillor Grimes’s office.
MEMBERSHIP: No fees were collected in 2020. Membership fees for 2021 are $10 for an individual and $15 per family. Membership applications are available on Facebook, Twitter and via e-mail. The FOSS website will soon be upgraded to allow electronic payment of fees.
WASHROOMS: Park users and Facebook members have complained about the lack of washroom facilities and the presence of discarded paper in the bushes at Col. Sam. Complaints/concerns should be directed to Councillor Grimes’s office.
THE LARGE BOWL: The once-thriving natural habitat of the Large Bowl has been largely reduced to mown grass. Former bushes/wetland have been destroyed. Restoration as a wetland would be preferred, but simply leaving the area uncut would be a welcomed benefit for nature. FOSS will inquire about the possibilities of ending the mowing and/or replanting bushes around the edges and in the middle of the Bowl.
SPRING (VIRTUAL) BIRD FESTIVAL: Culminated on May 29 with limited social media and no on-line presence.
Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.
Saturday, June 5, 2021
Be sure to register by June 14 for the drive-through pick-up at Colonel Samuel Smith Park on Saturday June 26.
Friday, June 4, 2021
The University of Toronto Trash Team, in partnership with TRCA, has begun the “Tagging Trash” project in the Toronto Harbour.
This project will help identify the path floatable trash travels in the Toronto Harbour and inform TRCA’s Floatables Strategy. The intent is to create a long-term maintenance commitment, by those with jurisdiction over the area, to maintain the aesthetic quality of the Toronto waterfront. This strategy identifies and provides support to ongoing maintenance and further improvements of the aesthetics on the waterfront through the removal of floatable litter, known as floatables. Version 1.0 of this strategy
was developed in 2019, and now in 2021 TRCA is implementing various objectives of the strategy.
For more information on the “Trapping Trash” project please visit the website:
If you have any questions or comments about the Floatables Strategy, or the Trapping Trash project please reach out to Jill Attwood or Lindsay Clapp at TRCA.
Friday, May 28, 2021
If you are new to birding, check out these excellent introductory videos by Brian Bailey from CCFEW.
They cover binoculars, cameras, field guides, birding apps (special focus on the comprehensive free Merlin app), birding websites, Ebirds etc.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
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Hello FOSS members and friends,
We are well into spring, and summer is not far off. It has been a different year, but "Friends of Sam Smith Park" (FOSS) has managed to continue many activities none-the less. Some of these have been virtual, like our Dec.- Feb. on-line videos and kids activities, and our current Spring Bird Festival. Others have been more hands-on, like our Winter Bird Feeder Project from Dec.- March at the Skating Trail, and the new grebe nesting platforms in the yacht club basin.
Our usual FOSS membership year runs from May 1- April 30. Last year we did not collect memberships at all, due to the COVID-19 situation, with less going on at the park. This year we would like to start collecting memberships again, since we have had a number of expenses, and our bank account is running very low! The major expense this year has been materials for building 3 new grebe platforms for the yacht club basin, since only 1 of our 4 platforms survived the winter. Labour was donated free! The grebes are now using all 4 platforms for their nests, so this expense was well worth it.
FOSS membership is $10 individual or $15 for a family. Please consider renewing your FOSS membership for 2021-2022, or joining FOSS, by mailing the attached form with a cheque to the address given.
Thanks very much for your interest in Colonel Samuel Smith Park!
from your FOSS team
Saturday, May 15, 2021
For the day of the festival (May 29th), two virtual workshops are planned.
Wild Ontario:
Faster, Stronger, Sneakier: Ontario's Incredible Raptors!
May 29 10:00
a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Join Wild Ontario at the University of Guelph for an up-close look at some of Ontario's most incredible birds! In this program you'll meet hawks, falcons and owls, and learn about the amazing adaptations they use to survive in nature. You'll also learn how each of these birds found their way into the Wild Ontario program, and what we can do to help birds in the wild.
TRCA: Bird
Sounds: Understand Your Feathered Neighbours
May 29 12:00
p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Listen to the sounds of spring! Join us for an interactive presentation about how birds communicate. Enjoy interesting bird songs, calls and more, and learn some tips to remember them!
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting
April 26, 2021
7:03 PM, Via Zoom Video Conferencing
COLONEL SAM’S BIRD FESTIVAL 2021: On May 4th FOSS Steering Committee members will participate in an on-line session with city organizers. Any festival held in 2021 will be virtual due to the on-going COVID pandemic. FOSS is prepared to contribute a variety of videos that highlight the natural beauties of the park.
NEW RED-NECKED GREBE PLATFORMS: Three new (and one old) platforms and ramps have been installed. The non-treated wood was free, but the remaining costs for such items as parts, paint, foam, glue, etc. was provided by FOSS. Thank you to the Keaveney family for building and installing the structures. Thank you also to the yacht club for their support and for the use of a boat.
MEMBERSHIP: No fees were collected in 2020. Membership fees for 2021 are $10 for an individual and $15 per family. Membership applications are available on Facebook, Twitter and via e-mail.
SWALLOW FIELD: Most successful year ever. Nests were kept covered longer this year and opened only when Tree Swallows appeared. Fewer invasive House Sparrows are nesting and any that do are evicted. Many park visitors are taking great interest in the birds.
MEN’S PICNIC PAVILION: FOSS is concerned with the declining state of the Men’s Picnic Pavilion. Permission/estimates must be obtained from the city prior to applying for community grants. In spite of efforts by FOSS, so far, there has been no cooperation from the city.
KITE BOARDERS: A marshalling site used by kite boarders is close to a path, provides little space and has resulted in the damage/removal of trees/shrubs. The boarders would prefer a site closer to Whimbrel Point and would like to have an additional amount of grass cut. There is concern that more grass cutting would be damaging to ground nesting sparrows. The kite boarders promised to abandon their activities during the two-week Whimbrel Watch period. The city has been consulted on this matter but has provided no information/resolution so far.
NATURALIZATION: The increase in visitors to the park over the past year has resulted in the overuse and damage to many trails. FOSS has requested the city consider closing some areas for the purpose of naturalization/regeneration.
BIRD STRIKES: Migration season has begun. In spite of FOSS’s request, nothing has, as yet, been resolved in the matter of bird strike prevention at Col. Sam.
Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
The ramps allow the birds to more easily access the nesting platforms and the small flags on wire are to deter Double Crested Cormorants.
All four platforms now in place are being used.
Let's hope for breeding success this season!
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Well, we did it! ....SAFELY
Who could have predicted that the least-organized of all the Sam Smith Park Clean-Ups would have been so successful and enjoyable? And in THIS YEAR specifically!
Sadly, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we weren’t able to keep track of every volunteer with a sign-in sheet. But what we do know is that we started with 100 bags and ended with less than twenty. And that doesn’t include those keen individuals who brought their own bags! So thank you, one and all, for coming out!
Upon final inspection, it was incredibly difficult to find any traces of garbage in the well-travelled areas where there had been just a few hours prior. If that isn’t considered a success, then I don’t know what is.
Alongside the many, many bags of more traditional garbage, we also found over 140 pounds of metallic waste (including a 3 foot piece of I-beam and a loading dock truck bumper). I am very happy to say that the south beach is safer and more picturesque without it!
But in all seriousness, every person who decided to take a bag with them for their Sunday walk has my sincere thanks. It takes courage to decide to help out, and to do so despite all of the restrictions and difficulties present in this year is beyond commendable. So thank you all for your help and your dedication to our environment. Here’s to hoping that 2022 brings the clean up to even greater heights!
Stay healthy,
Alan Roy
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
This morning, I put this sign in the Swallow Field to hopefully persuade well-meaning people from putting bird seed on the nest boxes or on the large rock. By educating, we can all do our part to discourage this practice when we observe it. I know the message on the sign is blunt, but it is a fact. That cute little invasive, non-native, non-protected House Sparrow can be a fearsome raider when it comes to claiming a nest box. As we know, Tree Swallows are a declining species suffering the same realities as all other aerial insectivores and the boxes are for them. I have added a couple of disturbing pics to make my point – sorry! It is important to note that all monitors of Bluebird and Tree Swallow boxes are experiencing the same problem for which there are no robust proven solutions. We always research and try different approaches. We want this project to always be worthwhile. This year we blocked all entrance holes until the swallows arrived and, then, only opened up the field one section at a time … and, as I am sure you have noticed, this year proves to be the best ever!
Terry Smith
Two of the three Red Necked Grebe nest platforms that FOSS's Brian Keaveney (and family) built this week are now out in the marina bay. The last one will be put in Wednesday. The total will be four.
Several pairs of Grebes immediately raced over to the nesting platforms!
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Like last year, temporary covers have been put over the entrance holes to keep House Sparrows out and to give the swallows a, literally, fighting chance to prevail over which species will eventually get to use them. The covers will hopefully prevent the sparrows from getting established before the arriving swallows have had a chance to feed, rest, pair off, take advantage of the growing insect supply and prepare to nest. The field will be assessed daily for the right moment to remove the covers
House Sparrow predation has been an ongoing issue. See previous blog posts on this issue ....
We have noticed that seeds (rice, different grains, corn, commercial bird seed etc.) are quite often placed on top of the nest boxes, presumably in the mistaken belief that the boxes are feeding stations. This practice, along with putting bird seed on the large flat rock in the middle of the Swallow Field, draws in House Sparrows and is counter-productive to the Tree Swallow nesting project. If you witness this, please inform the person(s) who is doing this or just sweep the seeds into the grass below.
Terry Smith has created a video which gives a detailed look at the Swallow Field programme.
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Credit for the photo goes to the photographer (Mike McEvoy) and the Thickson's Woods Land Trust.
All wetlands are precious. They provide habitat for wildlife and green space for those who revel in the joys of nature. They also play a major role in filtering run-off water and providing flood control. Wetlands everywhere are under threat from development.
Duffin's Creek Wetland in Pickering has recently been threatened with destruction. Marshes and wetlands everywhere face the same problem. The one nearest you might be next! Here is some background information:
Please call or write your MPP to express your concerns.
Monday, March 1, 2021
WINTER PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS - FOSS Facebook members have spoken!
DENNIS LIU - $100 gift certificate from Urban Nature Stores.
TODD CLUSTIVIK - $60 gift certificate from Urban Nature Stores.
DAN HUANG - $40 gift certificate from Urban Nature Stores.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting
February 22, 2021
7:04PM, Via Zoom Video Conferencing
FOSS WINTER PHOTO CONTEST: All photos must be submitted to the FOSS FACEBOOK SITE by 8:00PM, Sunday, February 28. Refer to the FOSS blog for contest details.
Photos submitted must be taken in Col. Sam Smith Park during the winter.
The top three Facebook “likes” shall be deemed as the winners. Results will be posted 2 days after the closure of the contest.
Photos submitted (with permission of the photographers) will become part of an on-line video presentation titled: Colonel Sam Smith Park in Winter.
FOSS PARK PEOPLE GRANT: FOSS gratefully thanks Park People for their generous grant that makes possible the photo contest as well as a variety of other activities for visitors of all ages who appreciate the joys of nature that Col. Sam has to offer. Check FOSS website for details. Those activities include:
Virtual Bird Walk—Saturday, February 27th. 9:00 AM. Live on FOSS Facebook Group.
Kids’ Activities-a new activity presented every Friday. Activities will be archived on the blog for future access.
Wildlife Videos featuring Col. Sam Park: 1. Changing Seasons, 2. Colonel Sam Smith Park: A Sanctuary in the City and 3. Journey of Cooper’s Hawks.
Tree Walk Presentation: 17 minutes long. The video, with accompanying text, highlights a walk-through of Col. Sam Park and emphasizes tree identification.
COLONEL SAM’S BIRD FESTIVAL 2021: On February 19, several members of the FOSS Steering Committee held a video conference with the city’s Bird Festival organizers. Due to COVID-19, the festival will most likely be a virtual (on-line) event. The organizers were impressed with FOSS’s recent activities (i.e. those sponsored by the Park People grant) as well as with FOSS’s on-line sessions presented during last year’s festival. They also expressed interest in a FOSS suggestion about the possible use of QR codes for disseminating park information.
Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Friday, February 19, 2021
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Friday, February 12, 2021
With just over two weeks to go until the winter photo contest ends, there is still time to add your images to the 60 or so already posted in the Winter Photo Contest album on our Facebook page.
That album can be found under "more", "media" and then "albums".
Take a moment to look at the beautiful photographs and, as hard as it may be to choose, please add your comments. Remember, Facebook allows you to rethink any previous comment by simply clicking on it to remove it. Any "like", "love" or "wow" emoji comment will be accepted as a positive vote for an image for the purpose of selecting the three winners.
The contest will end at exactly 8 p.m., Sunday 28th. February, 2021.
Friday, February 5, 2021
Monday, February 1, 2021
Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting
January 25th, 2021
7:00PM, Via Zoom Video Conferencing
FOSS WINTER PHOTO CONTEST: All photos must be submitted to the FOSS FACEBOOK SITE by 8:00PM, Sunday, February 28. Refer to the FOSS blog for contest details.
Photos submitted must be taken in Col. Sam Smith Park during the winter.
The top three Facebook “likes” shall be deemed as the winners. Results will be posted 2 days after the closure of the contest.
FOSS PARK PEOPLE GRANT: FOSS gratefully thanks Park People for their generous grant that makes possible the photo contest as well as a variety of other activities for visitors of all ages who appreciate the joys of nature that Col. Sam has to offer. Those activities include:
Winter Bird Feeder Project—Check out the five bird feeding stations that are located around the skating loop. This project is in its 6th season. Thank you to the Urban Nature Store on N. Queen Street for their donation of bird seed. Thanks also to the volunteers who tend to the feeders.
A Boxing Day Walk Around—Nature walk with park visitor interaction.
Boxing Day Bird Count
Kids’ Friday Activity Corner—Check the blog for kids’ projects. A new one is posted each week.
Due to COVID-19 restraints, planned guided bird and tree identification walks were forced to go “virtual”. See the blog for more information.
Check the blog for a revolving series of slide presentations about Col. Sam Park:
i) Journey of Cooper’s Hawks
ii) Col. Sam Smith Park: A Sanctuary in the City
iii) Changing Seasons—Winter in Sam Smith Park
ON-GOING CONCERNS: Unsightly graffiti on the Australian Rules Football storage facility and the growth of numerous new winter trails that disturb/destroy natural vegetation. FOSS will attempt to resolve these concerns.
Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.