"Fireworks Bylaw"
Last October, I moved a motion
to request that the City review the fireworks bylaw to see how it could be
reformed to respond to the persistent use of fireworks that we saw last summer.
Earlier in May, staff reported back with the Response to Increased Unpermitted
Fireworks Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic. As we have seen
since the May 24 weekend, there has been a need to strengthen the staff
recommendations in the report.
I drafted a motion to reopen the item, which Councillors Holyday and Crawford
moved on my behalf, and was adopted unanimously by City Council. The motion
directs staff to:
- immediately ban the possession of fireworks in a City
of Toronto park;
- identify a funding source for Municipal Licensing and Standards By-law Officers to enforce fireworks regulations after midnight on the following dates: July 1 to July 4, 2021; July 30 to August 2, 2021; September 3 to September 6, 2021;
- immediately apply to the Province of Ontario, and take
any other steps
required, to double fireworks-related set fines;
- immediately install permanent No Fireworks signage in
Marie Curtis Park, Colonel Samuel Smith Park, Humber Bay Park West, Humber
Bay Park East, Humber Bay Shores Park and any other parks with higher
rates of fireworks non-compliance under the Parks By-law, in consultation
with the local Councillor;
- immediately launch an information campaign, including
transit shelter and electronic billboard ads, to educate the public on the
rules and reinforce that Victoria Day and Canada Day are the only two days
that fireworks are allowed; and
- explore the feasibility of introducing new City of
Toronto fines under the noise by-law and report back in the third quarter
of 2021 to the Economic and Community Development Committee."
You can read the full motion here,
and watch the council item here.-
--- more details are in newsletter
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