Armed with binoculars and cameras, more
than 40 bird watching enthusiasts gather at Colonel Sam Smith Park for a
free monthly bird walk hosted by the Citizens Concerned About The
Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront (CCFEW), an advocacy group that
formed to safeguard public access to Toronto’s Humber Bay Shores from
encroaching condo development.
The group, led by veteran birder Bob Yukich, heads to the lookout
platform on the pond where a few barn swallows treat our eyes to their
visually stunning display of acrobatics. Basking in the bright sun on
this pleasantly warm April day, we stick around for awhile, watching
them dart from side to side, circle and dive through the air as they
catch a protein-rich insect lunch. Known as quite a vengeful bird, the
unmated male Barn Swallow sometimes kills the nestlings of a nesting
pair. Rather than turning off the female, his actions often succeed in
causing a split, which opens up an opportunity for him to mate with the
We proceed to the waterfront where we catch some of the few remaining
migratory waterfowl before they fly north to their summer homes. A
flock of Long-tailed ducks sit lazily on the calm lake. With an
intricate pattern of black, grey and white markings, this distinctive
duck looks more like a finely-painted sculpture than an actual duck. Its
beauty is not its only remarkable trait, the Long-tailed can dive to a
depth of 60m and is known to spend more time underwater relative to time
on the surface than any other diving duck.
We stroll past a couple of nesting swans before walking away from the
water. Many of the mostly middle-aged regular birders cluster into
groups and move at their own pace, some chatting about rare birds
they’ve sighted, while others ask birding questions of the more
experienced in the group. As we’re walking, one of the group members
points out a Nashville Warbler. We stop and look. Bob gives a
description of the bird to which one of the regulars, Dave, adds in:
“Grey head and a banjo.” A bit of birding humour to brighten the day.
Dave has counted as many as 175 birds on a good year, just in the
general vicinity of this park. Bob has counted even more than that, just
in his own backyard over the years he’s lived in the city. Toronto is a
prime destination for migrating birds since it’s positioned in the
middle of many of their migration routes. Preparing for, or after, a
long flight over Lake Ontario, some migrants stick around for a short
time to rest and rejuvenate, while others choose the city as their
winter or summer home.
We walk across a large, open field toward the edge of a forest, a
prime birding spot since it marks the transition area between two very
different terrains. “Keep your eyes on the ground,” Bob warns. A female
Rufous-sided Towhee stands a few metres into the forest, loudly kicking
up a storm of leaves as she looks for her next meal. After a good look
we continue to meander through the park.
“Chee che che che,” a Palm Warbler sings to us from the tree canopy.
Bob identifies the bird by sound, a difficult skill learned only with
years of birding experience. Novices alone would likely have just heard a
sound in the sky and walked on. Thanks to our guide we knew what the
bird was, stopped, listened and took a good look at it.
It is this focused awareness that turns the hobby of birding into a
powerful mindfulness practice. Birds are everywhere, but how often do we
notice them? How often do we hear the ever-present soundtrack of bird
song. Birding trains us not just to listen, but to pay close attention.
“Sharp-shin. Sharp-shinned hawk,” Dave shouts out. “See it. Square
tail.” We look up to see this “Sharpie” soar overhead and quickly out of
sight. “That’s good, mark it down,” Bob says, remarking how it is not a
common sighting in these parts. Indeed, it was good to see this amazing
carnivore that, despite being only 10 to 14-inches in length, can eat
birds as large as an American Robin or Ruffed Grouse.
After walking through most of the park, we end up near Lake Shore.
The remaining few who stayed to the end gather around Bob, who has his
checklist out, tallying up the total. The group chimes in with all their
favourite sightings of the day, while a middle-aged man speaks
excitedly into his phone, repeating some of the highlights: “Nashville
Warbler, Carolina Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet.” A total count of 64
species in a couple of hours makes for a successful day of birding.
Though birding can be tricky for the beginner, especially if done solo, a
group bird walk shares the task among 40 pairs of eyes and ears, making
it an especially rewarding activity for the novice birder.
For more information visit CCFEW.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
The recently founded Park People organization has produced a document called "Pathways For Parks" in which they presents their ideas for improving our parks without increasing
city spending. It's their answer to the question: "What would you do instead of
cutting the parks budget?".
Some of the key recommendations include: our parks would be better if they were staffed with a dedicated city worker in each park, had an active local “Friends Of” group and were supported by private donations.
The report is the result of research and consultations with park advocates across North America as well as the collective experience of park volunteers and experts in the growing Toronto parks movement.
Solutions Highlights:
• shift the City’s maintenance delivery away from “flying squads” to dedicated local park staff;
• re-allocate capital expenditures to address the $261 million backlog in repairs to park and recreation facilities;
• facilitate the development of new park conservancies to share park oversight and invite community and private sector investment;
• allow new healthy local food concessions in parks to attract and keep residents in parks all year while also generating revenue;
• expand inspections and establish benchmarks to ensure consistent quality control across all city parks.
Some of the key recommendations include: our parks would be better if they were staffed with a dedicated city worker in each park, had an active local “Friends Of” group and were supported by private donations.
The report is the result of research and consultations with park advocates across North America as well as the collective experience of park volunteers and experts in the growing Toronto parks movement.
Solutions Highlights:
• shift the City’s maintenance delivery away from “flying squads” to dedicated local park staff;
• re-allocate capital expenditures to address the $261 million backlog in repairs to park and recreation facilities;
• facilitate the development of new park conservancies to share park oversight and invite community and private sector investment;
• allow new healthy local food concessions in parks to attract and keep residents in parks all year while also generating revenue;
• expand inspections and establish benchmarks to ensure consistent quality control across all city parks.
"At the end of November 2011, Toronto City Council will begin reviewing the
2012 budget that will affect many of our city services. There will be urban
forest items on the City Council meeting agenda scheduled for November 29th and
30th. Please let your Councillor know today that healthy trees are a priority in our neighbourhood!
Here are some points to consider:
Here are some points to consider:
- A recent Toronto
study shows that our urban forest provides the equivalent of at least $60
million in ecological services each year (air quality improvements, carbon
sequestration, etc.). The benefits derived from the urban forest significantly
exceed the annual cost of its management. Protection of our existing trees is
of utmost importance – Toronto’s tree protection bylaws must be
maintained and enforced.
- Ash trees represent about 9% of the current forest canopy in Toronto. The
spread of Emerald
Ash Borer, an invasive insect, will decimate our ash population over the
next ten years. Tree protection and planting will need to increase
significantly, just to sustain existing urban forest canopy levels.
- Funding for our urban forest has already been reduced. In 2009, Toronto City Council approved funding for a seven year service plan to better protect, maintain and grow our urban forest; this funding was reduced in 2010 and then suspended in 2011."
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Humber College officials met with their Lakeshore Campus neighbours
this week to discuss long-term revitalization plans to accommodate their
ever-growing student population - including the construction of a
Welcome Centre and a new 150,000-sq. ft. building.
Of Humber's current slate of 25,000 full-time students, 7,000 are currently attending the Lakeshore Campus and those numbers are only expected to increase in the years to come, said Humber president John Davies.
"We're a growing, popular college...but of course that creates pressures for us to provide increased capacity, and that's why we're here tonight: to look at the pressures we have at Lakeshore Campus and to share with you some of our plans," Davies told a standing-room-only crowd at a community consultation meeting Wednesday, Nov. 16.
Davies estimated the student population at the Lakeshore Campus will eventually cap out at 10,000 - a 3,000-pupil increase from their current numbers - because "there isn't really any space in this area for much more than that."
"We are absolutely aware that we have a certain amount of land to work with and that we have a community that we have to be a part of," he added.
In recent years, Humber officials have made creative use of the limited land and property they have available to them in and around the campus, repurposing many a building north of Lake Shore Boulevard West to suit their needs (see sidebar for examples).
Now faced with even more student demand for the Lakeshore Campus' degree- and postgraduate-heavy slate of programming, Scott Valens, Humber's staff architect and associate director of capital development, took the opportunity Wednesday night to share some of the college's proposed plans for growth:
1. Post-2014, Humber plans to build a 150,000 sq. ft. building along the south end of Twenty-Third Street, developing the building so there's a two-storey street edge, stepping back to an additional three storeys. Also proposed is a multi-decked parking garage on the site, increasing parking from 650 to 1,500 parking spaces. The parking deck and new building would be accessed from Lake Shore Boulevard West at Twentieth Street.
2. Proposed plans for a Welcome Centre along Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive (on the northwest corner at Lake Shore Boulevard West) are still "very conceptual" at this point, Valens said, but also very necessary. The plan is to develop the centre with short-term underground parking, which would allow visitors "to arrive, find out what the campus is all about, and basically find out where they need to go," Valens said, noting that the facility would also eventually house registration, test centres and counselling.
3. Humber recently acquired Wildside Motorcycles, 3246 Lake Shore Blvd. W., for the purpose of developing a fitness facility featuring aerobic and weight room studios. While the college has not started designing it yet, Valens said it's expected the new facilities will "provide a greatly needed increase for student facilities, as well as access for the community."
4. Building G is the last of the heritage cottages to be restored and renovated. Humber is currently looking for ministry and/or partner funding for this 8,000 sq. ft. facility.
5. Humber recently renovated a portion of the second floor of its Community Medical Services Building at 3170 Lake Shore Blvd. W. for use as an early childhood education facility. The plan is to maintain the existing pharmacy and doctors' and dentists' offices on the main floor, while using the second and third floors for Humber faculty offices.
6. Toronto's Catholic school board is set to build a replacement school for the aging Christ the King Catholic School along Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive, just south of the proposed Welcome Centre. The 530-pupil school is expected to be about 55,000 sq. ft.
Reaction to the proposed plans at Wednesday night's meeting was mixed, with many in attendance applauding the college for its efforts, while simultaneously expressing concerns over parking pressures, traffic increases and the loss of green space the projects were thought likely to bring.
Brian Bailey, president of Citizens Concerned About The Future Of The Etobicoke Waterfront (CCFEW) has lived 100 metres from the entrance to the college at Twenty-Third Street for 16 years. He said plans to change access to the college parking lot to Twentieth Street would cause traffic headaches for all.
"You'll have to put a traffic light in, which means you're going to have three lights within very short distance of each other at Kipling, Twentieth and Twenty-Third streets," he lamented. "I would avoid Lake Shore like the plague if there's one more traffic light put in."
Meanwhile, calling Humber College an "asset to the community", longtime community activist Ruth Grier expressed her hope that Humber's expansion might improve transit in the neighbourhood.
"If your advocacy with the TTC can do something, it would be greatly appreciated by everyone in the community," she said to applause from the crowd. "We've been trying a very long get a streetcar starting at Long Branch, going to Humber, then up Roncesvalles to meet the subway."
Of Humber's current slate of 25,000 full-time students, 7,000 are currently attending the Lakeshore Campus and those numbers are only expected to increase in the years to come, said Humber president John Davies.
"We're a growing, popular college...but of course that creates pressures for us to provide increased capacity, and that's why we're here tonight: to look at the pressures we have at Lakeshore Campus and to share with you some of our plans," Davies told a standing-room-only crowd at a community consultation meeting Wednesday, Nov. 16.
Davies estimated the student population at the Lakeshore Campus will eventually cap out at 10,000 - a 3,000-pupil increase from their current numbers - because "there isn't really any space in this area for much more than that."
"We are absolutely aware that we have a certain amount of land to work with and that we have a community that we have to be a part of," he added.
In recent years, Humber officials have made creative use of the limited land and property they have available to them in and around the campus, repurposing many a building north of Lake Shore Boulevard West to suit their needs (see sidebar for examples).
Now faced with even more student demand for the Lakeshore Campus' degree- and postgraduate-heavy slate of programming, Scott Valens, Humber's staff architect and associate director of capital development, took the opportunity Wednesday night to share some of the college's proposed plans for growth:
1. Post-2014, Humber plans to build a 150,000 sq. ft. building along the south end of Twenty-Third Street, developing the building so there's a two-storey street edge, stepping back to an additional three storeys. Also proposed is a multi-decked parking garage on the site, increasing parking from 650 to 1,500 parking spaces. The parking deck and new building would be accessed from Lake Shore Boulevard West at Twentieth Street.
2. Proposed plans for a Welcome Centre along Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive (on the northwest corner at Lake Shore Boulevard West) are still "very conceptual" at this point, Valens said, but also very necessary. The plan is to develop the centre with short-term underground parking, which would allow visitors "to arrive, find out what the campus is all about, and basically find out where they need to go," Valens said, noting that the facility would also eventually house registration, test centres and counselling.
3. Humber recently acquired Wildside Motorcycles, 3246 Lake Shore Blvd. W., for the purpose of developing a fitness facility featuring aerobic and weight room studios. While the college has not started designing it yet, Valens said it's expected the new facilities will "provide a greatly needed increase for student facilities, as well as access for the community."
4. Building G is the last of the heritage cottages to be restored and renovated. Humber is currently looking for ministry and/or partner funding for this 8,000 sq. ft. facility.
5. Humber recently renovated a portion of the second floor of its Community Medical Services Building at 3170 Lake Shore Blvd. W. for use as an early childhood education facility. The plan is to maintain the existing pharmacy and doctors' and dentists' offices on the main floor, while using the second and third floors for Humber faculty offices.
6. Toronto's Catholic school board is set to build a replacement school for the aging Christ the King Catholic School along Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive, just south of the proposed Welcome Centre. The 530-pupil school is expected to be about 55,000 sq. ft.
Reaction to the proposed plans at Wednesday night's meeting was mixed, with many in attendance applauding the college for its efforts, while simultaneously expressing concerns over parking pressures, traffic increases and the loss of green space the projects were thought likely to bring.
Brian Bailey, president of Citizens Concerned About The Future Of The Etobicoke Waterfront (CCFEW) has lived 100 metres from the entrance to the college at Twenty-Third Street for 16 years. He said plans to change access to the college parking lot to Twentieth Street would cause traffic headaches for all.
"You'll have to put a traffic light in, which means you're going to have three lights within very short distance of each other at Kipling, Twentieth and Twenty-Third streets," he lamented. "I would avoid Lake Shore like the plague if there's one more traffic light put in."
Meanwhile, calling Humber College an "asset to the community", longtime community activist Ruth Grier expressed her hope that Humber's expansion might improve transit in the neighbourhood.
"If your advocacy with the TTC can do something, it would be greatly appreciated by everyone in the community," she said to applause from the crowd. "We've been trying a very long get a streetcar starting at Long Branch, going to Humber, then up Roncesvalles to meet the subway."
A gravel pad is being constructed at the south west corner of the oval sports field.
We are told that it is being built to accommodate storage bunkers for equipment used by the Australian-rules football teams that use the site. We assume that the three metal storage containers near the bridge along North Creek will be moved to the pad.
We are told that it is being built to accommodate storage bunkers for equipment used by the Australian-rules football teams that use the site. We assume that the three metal storage containers near the bridge along North Creek will be moved to the pad.
Monday, October 24, 2011
City of Toronto seeking public input for a new five-year plan for parks,
trails and natural areas
The City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry and Recreation division is seeking public input for the new five-year Parks Plan. As directed by Council, the plan will guide decision-making and investment in City parks in order to meet the diverse needs of Toronto residents, including:
designing beautiful, unique and sustainable park spaces
protecting and expanding natural areas
balancing park uses to include play spaces, natural areas, sport activities, urban agriculture and cultural expression
engaging the community through stewardship, volunteering and partnerships, and
ensuring that the City's parks and trails are available and accessible to all residents.
"This is an important opportunity for Torontonians to express their opinions about the Toronto parks system," said Councillor Norm Kelly (Ward 40 Scarborough-Agincourt), Chair of the City's Parks and Environment Committee. "I encourage everyone to complete the online survey or attend a public consultation session."
Residents are invited to attend one of four public consultation meetings:
Scarborough - Monday, November 7, Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn St.
North York - Wednesday, November 16, Mitchell Field Community Centre, 89 Church Ave.
Toronto East York - Thursday, November 24, Wellesley Community Centre, 495 Sherbourne St.
Etobicoke York - Thursday, December 1, Amesbury Community Centre, 1507 Lawrence Ave. W.
The public can also provide feedback about parks services through an online survey, launched today at .
For more information about the public survey or to participate in a public consultation session about the new Parks Plan, visit or contact 311.
Toronto is Canada's largest city and sixth largest government, and home to a diverse population of about 2.6 million people. Toronto's government is dedicated to delivering customer service excellence, creating a transparent and accountable government, reducing the size and cost of government and building a transportation city. For information on non-emergency City services and programs, Toronto residents, businesses and visitors can dial 311, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
trails and natural areas
The City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry and Recreation division is seeking public input for the new five-year Parks Plan. As directed by Council, the plan will guide decision-making and investment in City parks in order to meet the diverse needs of Toronto residents, including:
designing beautiful, unique and sustainable park spaces
protecting and expanding natural areas
balancing park uses to include play spaces, natural areas, sport activities, urban agriculture and cultural expression
engaging the community through stewardship, volunteering and partnerships, and
ensuring that the City's parks and trails are available and accessible to all residents.
"This is an important opportunity for Torontonians to express their opinions about the Toronto parks system," said Councillor Norm Kelly (Ward 40 Scarborough-Agincourt), Chair of the City's Parks and Environment Committee. "I encourage everyone to complete the online survey or attend a public consultation session."
Residents are invited to attend one of four public consultation meetings:
Scarborough - Monday, November 7, Warden Hilltop Community Centre, 25 Mendelssohn St.
North York - Wednesday, November 16, Mitchell Field Community Centre, 89 Church Ave.
Toronto East York - Thursday, November 24, Wellesley Community Centre, 495 Sherbourne St.
Etobicoke York - Thursday, December 1, Amesbury Community Centre, 1507 Lawrence Ave. W.
The public can also provide feedback about parks services through an online survey, launched today at
For more information about the public survey or to participate in a public consultation session about the new Parks Plan, visit
Toronto is Canada's largest city and sixth largest government, and home to a diverse population of about 2.6 million people. Toronto's government is dedicated to delivering customer service excellence, creating a transparent and accountable government, reducing the size and cost of government and building a transportation city. For information on non-emergency City services and programs, Toronto residents, businesses and visitors can dial 311, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
South Parking lot - Councillor Grimes has requested staff work with the
Toronto Parking Authority to implement 2 hour limited parking during school
hours, as soon as possible.
Stormwater Management - The next public meeting for the Etobicoke
Waterfront Stormwater Facility Study will be in January 2012 at the Assembly
Hall, but a firm date has not yet been set. The team is still compiling results
from their modelling studies and public comments. At the January meeting their
recommended solution will be presented, but it is not set in stone - they will
still be accepting feedback at that time.
Friday, October 7, 2011
From a recent report to the Lakeshore Grounds Coordinating Committee.
The Board has a 99 year lease on a site fronting on Lakeshore
Blvd. on the west side of Col. Sam Smith Drive. Ministry funding for a new school has been approved. Christ the King and St. Teresa’s Schools
are to be merged and the new school will accommodate 530-550 pupils. The hiring of architects and consultants
and beginning the site plan approval process with the City has just begun. It is unlikely that the school will be
completed before September 2014 and it could well be 2015.
Christ the King has been designated an Eco-School and Principal
Pillo described the many activities and initiatives that encourage
environmental conservation and practices - for example there are no plastic
water bottles used! It is one of the
leading schools in the City in this respect and they look forward to continuing
and expanding these activities on the new site.
Maia Puccetti is an architect in charge of planning and
approvals for the Board and she explained that meeting LEED construction
standards was extremely difficult within the provincial funding guidelines but
that the Board was committed to as green a construction process as
possible. They are involved with the
Evergreen Foundation and have “greened” many existing school sites. The Lakeshore site is small and they
anticipate a 40 - 50,000 square foot school.
They typically build to two storeys but may consider three. She identified the management of storm
water as being very expensive because of new City guidelines and was aware of
the proposals for daylighting the creeks on the Grounds.
There was considerable discussion about the traffic congestion
at Lakeshore and Col. Sam Smith Dr. during school drop off and pick up times
and the Board was urged to consider locating the elementary school drop off
point on their own property rather than on Col. Sam Smith Dr.
The Board is aware of the location of the heritage orchard and
the community concern about protecting it.
However Ms. Puccietti pointed out that long experience with school playgrounds
has taught them that nut trees and fruit trees present problems - the nuts
become weapons and the fruit trees attract bees and wasps! They are hoping to use the land between
the school property and the Lakeshore Blvd. as passive play area and it would
have to be fenced.
There will be consultation with the community as the planning
process proceeds and the website of the Board will provide updates.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A great opportunity for the whole family to get out an enjoy the autumn migration in Sam Smith Park
Saturday, October 22nd
9:00 - 11:00 am, Colonel Samuel Smith Park
Leader: Glenn Coady
Meet in the south parking lot (where the road ends) at 9:00 am
Friday, August 12, 2011
Read Etobicoke Guardian article and a previous FOSS post for the announcement of the plans to build the new TCDSB elementary school "Christ the King" on the Lakeshore Grounds. This is a letter sent today from FOSS outlining some of our members' concerns and interests.
Catholic District School Board
80 Sheppard Ave. E.
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6E8
80 Sheppard Ave. E.
Toronto, Ontario
M2N 6E8
August 12th, 2011
Attention: Ann Andrachuck, Trustee
Etobicoke/Lakeshore, Chair, TCDSB
Angelo Sangiorgio, Associate Director,Planning/Facilities, TCDSB
We understand that provincial approval and funding have
recently been received to construct a new elementary school on the Lakeshore
Grounds and
that there is a 99 year lease agreement between the TCDSB and the City of
Toronto for that site. We also
understand that at the TCDSB’s upcoming August 31st meeting this
project will be discussed.
Friends of Sam Smith Park (FOSS) would like to have this letter
placed on the agenda for that meeting and we also invite the Board to
initiate public consultation on the placement and design of the school by
holding community meetings at the earliest opportunity.
Friends of Sam Smith Park (FOSS) is a six year old group of local
residents and park users dedicated to protecting, enhancing and preserving the
naturalized areas of Colonel Samuel Smith Park. We would like the opportunity to table some of our concerns and
interests around the construction of the new school, particularly with regard
to the environment and the preservation of the essential character of Sam Smith
Park as a “nature park”.
First, we note that there are mature trees on the property
and we are anxious that as many as possible be retained. We hope that an inventory is carried out in
accordance with the City's tree policy and that more trees will be replaced
than need to be removed to allow for construction.
We have waited a long time for the heritage orchard to be
restored and, as it is part of the school site, we would welcome your support
in persuading the City to finally take some action to provide for the
protection and/or replacement of the orchard.
There is a wonderful tangle of lush flora on the site that
provides wildlife habitat. To preserve
this protective cover, there needs to be as much vegetation retained as
possible. Generous, naturally
landscaped setbacks from Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive and Lakeshore
Boulevard would also help achieve this.
The Toronto Catholic School Board could use the construction
of the new school as a catalyst to restore North Creek that runs through this
section of the Hospital Grounds.
Restoration of the creek, including the planting of native species along
the edges, would help re-establish this valuable riparian pathway used by birds
during migration and by mammals as a movement corridor in the park. Storm water run-off from any paved surfaces on the
school site could be channeled through the creek to help maintain water levels.
Given the nature of the site and Sam Smith Park in general
with its shoreline, wetlands, meadow and woodland supporting
a magnificent web of life and a diversity of environments that provide food,
habitat and protection for the many species of birds, animals and plants that
call it home, we anticipate that environmental programmes will be emphasized
in the school’s curriculum.
We also trust that the architects and designers will adhere
completely to the lease agreement in terms of shared parking. Underground parking might be included in the
design to reduce the size of the asphalt footprint. Or, failing that, a permeable surface should be considered if
outdoor parking is necessary.
We assume that the Board will adhere to all the Urban Design
guidelines adopted in 2004 and to the conditions outlined in the lease with the
City with respect to no fencing other than for the kindergarten playground.
We are delighted that Christ the King has been designated an
ECO school and hope that the new school will be built to LEED standards.
We were wondering whether a representative of the Board will
be attending the next meeting of the Lakeshore Grounds Coordinating Committee
so that the other tenants of the Grounds can be advised of the Board's
plans. Information about this committee
can be obtained from the local Councillor’s office.
We look forward to any opportunity to work with you.
Yours sincerely
Terry Smith
Acting Chair
Friends of Sam Smith Park
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The tree swallow nesting boxes built by FOSS members and participants at the last two Sam Smith Bird Festivals have been well used this year.
(Thanks to George Raikou for this wonderful photograph.)
(Thanks to George Raikou for this wonderful photograph.)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Photo by George Raikou |

The Toronto Region Conservation Authority has been placing nesting platforms at Sam Smith for the past few years in an attempt to encourage these birds to breed here. There are breeding pairs successfully established in Bronte harbour.
The map shows that we are at the extreme eastern edge of their breeding territory.
The map shows that we are at the extreme eastern edge of their breeding territory.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Last night, the Etobicoke Guardian awarded the "Urban Hero" award for the Environment to Terry Smith, a founding member of Friends of Sam Smith Park.
In a quote from the Guardian article, Terry affirms a conviction of his and, in a way, restates one of the core guiding principles for FOSS ...........
"The more high tech and built-up our city becomes, the more we need the restorative power of nature for our physical and mental well-being," said Smith, who works with Friends of Sam Smith Park, the Lakeshore Planning Council and Good Air, Safe Power (GASP). "Our communities and parks need lots of quiet natural spaces where we can see wildlife, where we can escape from the pressure, the rush and the concrete."
In a quote from the Guardian article, Terry affirms a conviction of his and, in a way, restates one of the core guiding principles for FOSS ...........
"The more high tech and built-up our city becomes, the more we need the restorative power of nature for our physical and mental well-being," said Smith, who works with Friends of Sam Smith Park, the Lakeshore Planning Council and Good Air, Safe Power (GASP). "Our communities and parks need lots of quiet natural spaces where we can see wildlife, where we can escape from the pressure, the rush and the concrete."
Sunday, June 26, 2011
![]() |
Indian Grass |

Friday, June 24, 2011
The "Guardian" is reporting that the province has
approved $10.25 million for the new elementary school on the Lakeshore
Grounds (south west corner Lakeshore and Kipling). Architects will be appointed at the August Board meeting
and they expect construction to be completed in less than 3 years. It
will be for 536 pupils. The building
will have three stories and have approximately 40 ground level parking
spots. The plan says that there will be
“proposed orchard rejuvenation with new specimens” south of the school.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We'll be planting according to the
landscape plan for the skate trail area and Janette will also bring additional
native wildflowers and grasses for the adjacent areas.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
In order to ensure the health and safety of
park users, staff, and wildlife in City parks, the Parks and
Environment Committee recommends that…:
- City Council prohibit kites with strings made out of hazardous materials in City parks.
- City Council authorize competitive kite flying activities in City parks through the Parks, Forestry and Recreation permit process.
- City Council prohibit competitive kite flying in parks that have significant bird activity.
This motion passed at the parks committee and now goes
on to city council.
For a background to this issue, read this Globe and Mail article and the City’s own report.
Friends of Sam Smith
has requested that Sam Smith Park be designated a “park that has significant
bird activity”.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Questions? E-mail Don McClement or call him at 416 259 5856.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Yesterday’s Spring
Bird Festival was a tremendous success. The weather cooperated once the morning
fog lifted and the rain overnight ensured there were lots of interesting
warblers still resting and feeding in the park for us all to enjoy. The CCFEW bird walks yielded many varieties.
Art, Photography and Nesting Box Building booths run by Friends of Sam Smith
Park were well attended. Eager children constructed twenty-five tree
swallow boxes and these will be installed on the Toronto Islands. Thanks to
John Hayes from the High Park Nature Centre for teaching the children
all about the need to provide nesting boxes to tree-cavity nesters who have
fewer old trees to use in urban areas as well as helping them to build them.
George Raikou and
the other photographers showed their work and offered tips on taking successful nature
appreciation must be given to the staff at City Parks and the Toronto
Region Conservation Authority for all their hard work. This second
annual Sam Smith Park Spring Bird Festival establishes our park as the
best nature park to visit in the west end of the city.
Friday, May 27, 2011
If you and your kids made a nesting box at the Bird Festival for installation on the Toronto Islands, you may want to make one at home for your garden or country property.
Boxes are easily made from a 6' X 6" X 1" pressure treated board ($3 at Home Depot) and construction plans are available at The clean-out side panel should be secured with a small screw to deter vandalism. Boxes should be placed facing any direction other than north and at about five feet. This would make a great school or interest project to do with your kids.
Nesting boxes need to be cleaned out and sterilized with a white vinegar/water spray before every season.
A nesting box with these dimensions and this sized entrance hole is good for tree swallows, song and house sparrows and, if you're lucky, maybe even a Bluebird!.
Boxes are easily made from a 6' X 6" X 1" pressure treated board ($3 at Home Depot) and construction plans are available at The clean-out side panel should be secured with a small screw to deter vandalism. Boxes should be placed facing any direction other than north and at about five feet. This would make a great school or interest project to do with your kids.
Nesting boxes need to be cleaned out and sterilized with a white vinegar/water spray before every season.
A nesting box with these dimensions and this sized entrance hole is good for tree swallows, song and house sparrows and, if you're lucky, maybe even a Bluebird!.
Monday, May 23, 2011

Conservation Biology at the College of William and Mary/Virginia Commonwealth University, in monitoring the Whimbrel migration observed during the period of May 19 to May 30 at Col. Sam Smith Park.

Peak migration dates are May 24 and 25 with peak hours expected at 06:00 and 08:00 EDST. Hopefully there will be some stragglers still to be observed at the Bird Festival on May 28th.
migration progress of individual Whimbrels with satellite transmitters can be
followed on ''
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Spring migration is well under way. Songbirds, including the beautiful, brightly coloured woodland warblers, are turning up in significant numbers.
Birders can be seen every morning prowling the osier dogwoods near last Saturday's planting, the spruce grove along North Creek near the Power House and the north swale. These are favoured spots for viewing warblers.
Green, natural space along the Lake Ontario north shore, like we have at Sam Smith, is vital to these long distance travelers for feeding and resting up after their nighttime lake crossing on their way from the tropics to the boreal forest to breeds.
Here is a report from Wayne Renaud, a local birder. He listed on Ontbirds, a subscription bird alert website, the birds he observed yesterday in the park.
Jerry Lewchyschyn, Brian Tannahill and I spent 3 hours this morning starting at
7:00 am birding the park and adjacent Humber Lakeshore College campus.
Warblers: Yellow-rumped (45); Palm (17); Black-and-white (12); Black-throated
Blue (10); Magnolia (8); Black-throated Green (5); Nashville (3); Yellow (3);
Chestnut-sided (2); singles of Cape May, Blackburnian, Common Yellowthroat,
American Redstart and Ovenbird. Other notables: 1 Eastern Towhee; 3 Field
Sparrows; 1 Swainson's Thrush; 1 Veery; 5 Hermit Thrush; 3 White-crowned
Sparrows; 8 Chimney Swifts; 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks; 2 Great-crested
Flycatchers; 1 Least Flycatcher; 1 Blue-headed Vireo; 1 Warbling Vireo. On and
off the Peninsula: 2 Spotted Sandpipers, 4 Lesser Scaup; 4 Greater Scaup; 10
Long-tailed Duck; 7 Red-necked Grebe; 1 Horned Grebe; 1 White-winged Scoter. 18
Red-breasted Merganser; 4 Gadwall; 7 Mallard; 1 Blue-winged Teal.
Birders can be seen every morning prowling the osier dogwoods near last Saturday's planting, the spruce grove along North Creek near the Power House and the north swale. These are favoured spots for viewing warblers.
Green, natural space along the Lake Ontario north shore, like we have at Sam Smith, is vital to these long distance travelers for feeding and resting up after their nighttime lake crossing on their way from the tropics to the boreal forest to breeds.
Here is a report from Wayne Renaud, a local birder. He listed on Ontbirds, a subscription bird alert website, the birds he observed yesterday in the park.
![]() |
Blackburnian Warbler |
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The planting organized by Trees Across Toronto last Saturday was a resounding success. Well over a hundred volunteers turned up to plant 800 trees and shrubs, all in the space of about two hours. It was muddy, soggy and hard work but the cheerful volunteers "stuck" (literally!) at it until the job was done. Special thanks to a large enthusiastic group from a north Toronto temple, all followers of the late Indian guru Sai Baba, a proponent of doing karmic service for the community.
The plantings will enlarge and enhance the Osier Dogwood area to the east of the sports oval that has become, over time, a significant wildlife corridor and birding hotspot in our park.
Below are photographs and a list of the species that were planted..
The plantings will enlarge and enhance the Osier Dogwood area to the east of the sports oval that has become, over time, a significant wildlife corridor and birding hotspot in our park.
Below are photographs and a list of the species that were planted..
(One photograph shows a brave Killdeer sitting on its nest while all this activity was taking place around it. Can you spot it?)

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