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Monday, December 17, 2018

This past week we have had goldfinches (see photo), downy woodpecker, mourning doves, cardinal, and black-capped chickadees, as well as some squirrels, of course! There are 5 feeding stations by the Skating Trail, with seeds and suet at each one. Thanks to all the FOSS volunteers who are filling the feeders each day!
If you are by the Skating Trail, check out the photo (courtesy of FOSS member Bruce Wilkinson) on the bulletin board in the Power House, taken last winter. It shows someone else who appreciates our feeders!
Barbara Keaveney
Volunteers needed!
How it’s done?
See the attached park map and Winter Bird Count List for Colonel Sam Smith Park. Print them if you can. Go out in the park on December 26 and look for birds (Boxing Day). Keep track of the time of day you visited the park, all the bird species you saw in the park or on the water as well as how many of each species you found. Send a list along to FOSS (see address at end of article) so we can add them to the overall Christmas Bird Count. If the weather is poor on the 26th then use the 27th for your count.
Here is a link to a printable list for you to use for your count.
Try to send a photo with or without birds. We will try to place some of the photos on the FOSS website (no faces please)
Send your Bird Count to: Brian Keaveney, President of FOSS. by Dec. 28th.
You can scan your list and send the scan by email or just include the data in the body of the email. Results will be posted on the FOSS website.
Note: Bring a colour bird book with you to help identify birds or ask another birder that day.
Stay warm
Brian Keaveney
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
I attended the Coyote Info Session (December 3) at Mimico Library. There were approximately 40 people
in attendance--mostly dog owners.
Eric Code was emcee. He introduced
speakers from the Toronto Wildlife Centre ( and
Coyote Watch Canada (Ann Brockelman) ( Both speakers
were excellent. MNR biologists were also in the audience.
Some highlights:
1. Feeding coyotes is the #1
problem. Food is often left by "good Samaritans" who believe they are
"helping" these animals. Baiting has also been done by some
irresponsible photographers. If anyone finds food left in the parks,
remove it immediately and report the incident to TO Animal Services or 311
(with photo if possible). Individuals have been charged upon investigation.
2. All dog poop and errant treats
should be picked up in both regular parks and inside the dog parks. Coyotes eat
poop and also use it for determining such things as if there are any intruders
in their territory, if there are any female dogs in "heat", etc. If
you find an area with large amount of dog poop, contact TO Animal Services or
3. Dogs should be on leash unless
they are in the dog parks. Coyotes are curious and may feel threatened (especially
if they have a den and youngsters in an area). They may appear to be stalking
people/dogs, but most likely are simply trying to determine if there is any
danger in the situation for them.
4. Never chase a coyote during the
spring "denning" season. They can become so frightened that they will
abandon their den and any pups will not survive. Never scream at a
coyote--rabbits make a screaming sound and this only attracts coyotes.
5. Bird feeders attract small
mammals (mice, rats, rabbits, etc.) that are the main prey of coyotes.
6. If you ever feel threatened,
never turn your back and never run from a coyote. Face the animal with your
hands in the air and try to make yourself look as big as possible.
7. Via a show of hands, no one in
the audience was ever bitten or chased by a coyote, but many people were bitten
or chased by dogs.
8. There is no proof that the dead
red fox recently found in the park was killed by a coyote. Its body was removed
within two hours of discovery and an investigation could not be conducted.
9. Coyote pups suffer a 70%
mortality rate in their first year. They are often killed by Great Horned Owls.
10. Dogs should be spayed/neutered.
Cats should be kept inside as they are similar in size to rabbits, skunks, etc.
and are considered an alternate source of food for the coyote. Keeping cats
inside also reduces the number of wild birds that are killed each year by
errant house cats.
11. Human food is very detrimental
for coyotes. Teeth rot and the animal loses its ability to catch natural prey.
12. It was suggested that all park
users' cell 'phones list the number for the TO Wildlife Centre for quick use if
an injured or in distress animal is observed: 416 631-0662.
13. The reduction in deer numbers in
the parks is NOT due to traveling packs of ravenous coyotes. Unless a deer is
injured or emaciated, coyotes present no danger.
14. In the "you can't make
these things up" department, the TO Wildlife Centre speaker talked about a
woman who called their office to ask if it was OK to leave her 11-month old
baby alone outside in her back yard while she went into her house to do some
chores. She was concerned the child might be attacked by a coyote. It was
suggested that, perhaps it was not a good idea to leave a baby alone outside under
any circumstance!
Sandra Hawkins
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting
26, 2018
LAMP, 185 5th Street, Etobicoke
- 2018 FOSS PHOTO EXHIBIT: Nature’s Sanctuary Juried Exhibition. Assembly Hall at Humber College Lakeshore Campus. Deemed to be a great success. FOSS thanks all participants and attendees. Next exhibit planned for 2020
- DECK THE DOGS: Scheduled for Col. Sam’s Dog Park. Saturday, December 1. 12-4PM. Volunteers needed. Contact organizer Eric Code if you can help (
- COYOTE INFO SESSION: December 3. 7-8:30PM. Mimico Centennial Library, 47 Station Road. Register on-line at:
- FOSS WINTER BIRD FEEDER PROJECT: Scheduled to begin first week of December. Volunteers welcome. Check blog for details.
- NAMING PARK ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AND NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS: A FOSS mapping project to assign names to significant areas of the park (such as the already-designated “Whimbrel Point”) in order to provide consistency when communicating info about Col. Sam. For more details, check the blog .
- BURDOCK ERADICATION: FOSS thanks the many volunteers who have spent countless hours cutting invasive burdock in an attempt to control/eradicate this plant in order to encourage the growth of preferred native species.
- NATIVE SPECIES PLANTINGS: FOSS is actively advocating for the planting of native shrubs and pollinator-attracting plants in suitable locations throughout the park.
- FOSS SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS: Check out FOSS on both Instagram and Facebook. No personal Facebook account? You may still view the contents, but you will be unable to post comments. Keep watch for nature photos highlighting your park.
- DRUG/GARBAGE PROBLEMS AT COL. SAM: Discarded drug paraphernalia and litter are on-going detriments in the park, particularly in the North Creek area. Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up. Any problems reported to 311 are greatly strengthened when accompanied with a photo.
- TWO HOUR PARKING LIMIT ON SOUTH LOT AT COLONEL SAM: Vehicles are being marked and fines are being issued.
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