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Monday, December 1, 2008


Allen Valk, Chairperson of Friends of Sam Smith Park, today received the following response from John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment, responding to FOSS's support for CCFEW's request for an Environmental Assessment of the Skating Trail project. CCFEW's request is denied. A City arborist's report is pending.

Thank you for your letter of September 30, 2008 which supports the request made by the Citizens Concerned about the Future of the Etobicoke Waterfront (CCFEW) for a project specific regulation designating the proposed outdoor skating track in the City of Toronto (City) as an undertaking to which the Environmental Assessment Act applies.
The Ministry of the Environment has completed its review of the request made by CCFEW and has determined that the proposed outdoor ice skating track does not warrant the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA).
This decision has been made on the basis that the City's proposal is consistent with the City's Official Plan policies, the strategies of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and that the proposal does not violate any existing EA approvals.
As you may be aware, the proposed skating track has been the subject of a number of design and planning exercises that have included numerous opportunities for interested persons and organizations to make their concerns known. The City has advised that further opportunities will be provided for area residents and organizations to participate in the detailed design process and programming of the facility. I am satisfied that the City has provided the opportunity for residents and organizations to make their concerns with the proposed outdoor skating track known and that additional opportunities will be available to participate in the detailed design of the skating track.
With regard to the potential environmental impact of this proposal, the City has confirmed that an arborist's analysis will be completed in the near future, and together with a report, will be brought forward for the consideration of Etobicoke York Community Council. Working with the TRCA, City staff will identify methods to mitigate the impact of the proposal on the existing vegetation and wildlife. I am satisfied that the City will conduct an appropriate assessment of the potential environmental effects on the skating track proposal.
As a result of the foregoing, concerns regarding the use and development of the site are best addressed at the municipal level, and I would encourage your continued participation with City staff as they proceed to the detailed design stage for the outdoor skating track. Additional opportunities will be provided by the City for questions to be asked and for the City to respond to any concerns raised. A regulation designating the City's proposal as an undertaking to which the requirements of the EAA applies is, therefore, not necessary. Should you require further assistance, please contact Mr. D. Jeffrey Dea, Project Officer with the ministry's Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, at 416-314-7213 or bye-mail


Anonymous said...

Let's get on with the project!

Anonymous said...


Let's get on with borrowing more money in a bankrupt city for redundant projects that eliminate green space! I'll be down at the skating rink cheering for you when you can't breathe because there aren't any more trees left to produce oxygen in this city. Jolly good thinking!

Anonymous said...

Actually there will be more Trees!
Remember 5 for every 1 removed.
See you there and finally others in the community who will now use the space.
fitness advocate and tree hugger.

Anonymous said...

Yes, God forbid we should have any green space in this city that isn't paved over so people can "use" it. After all, trees and grass are completely useless until some thoughtful councillor and his developer friends, as well as his buddies in the concession business get together to pour concrete, build a restaurant and profit from the deprived families who will now flock there. Isn't city life wonderful? As for the few spindly saplings the city might plant around the concrete, well, they might have a few bucks left for that after they figure out where they will borrow the hundred grand per year to operate this wonderful "attraction" Maybe rubes like you will be happy to fork over more money for the new skating trail tax.

Anonymous said...

Name calling and accusations.
Sounds like sour grapes

Anonymous said...

No, sounds more like someone who zeroed in on the real issues as opposed to someone unable to provide any substantive reason why this neighbourhood needs a skating trail. There are probably some 'anonymous' cheerleaders out there who think the monstrosity under construction on Kipling is an architectural jewel as well.

Anonymous said...

The "monstrosity" is a privately funded project to be used for HOCKEY.

A skating trail is for family use...recreational leisure skating. Huge difference. It's for everyone.

Before you criticize it, I'd like to suggest you go to Gage Park in Brampton and see how many families use the trail there and how enjoyable it is for residents.

The park is for every resident and tax payer (and hockey player who just wants to skate without a stick for that matter)...and a lot of us in this neighbourhood welcome the trail to let us enjoy the park in winter too!

Your schtick on here about this is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Irresponsible use of taxpayers' money to duplicate another facility that exists many times over already in the neighbourhood. Sounds like the tired old shtick (not hockey) that one finds in other corrupt government organizations, say for example the fraud artists running the catholic school board. Notice how I didn't capitalize catholic?

ski bum said...

hey anonymous, have you ever tried cross country skiing in the park? I suppose the city has to spend millions of dollars and pour tons of concrete and cut down all the trees before your finicky little ass can "enjoy" the park