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Monday, April 24, 2017


Volunteers turned out in droves yesterday to attend Alan Roy's annual Sam Smith Park spring cleaning.  Alan has been doing this now for 25 years.  Congratulations and many thanks, Alan.

There were 195 signed-in volunteers (plus many others who did not sign in), 109 bags of garbage collected and over 1100 pounds of garbage weighed.  

The "best find" award this year went to Jeremy Pearson whose back breaking labour enabled him to single handedly recover a three feet diameter, steel culvert cap.

The "furthest traveler" award went to Hanje Chen who came in from Fuzhou, China and runners-up were Jeff Good from Ajax and Vince D'Ellia and his son Ravi from Heart Lake.

The "most persistent award" went to  Errol Saldanha who spent six hours wading with a pool skimmer to collect micro plastics in the marina - an incredible effort considering he endured biting ants for a good portion of that time!).

Thanks again to everyone.

Alan Roy
There was a "drone" video taken of clean-up day.
Click here to view it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Errol? Is my husband Errol Saldanha.