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Saturday, April 4, 2020


To my friends around Colonel Sam Smith Park .....

It is with deep personal regret, not necessarily shared by many of my cherished volunteers (you know who you are), that I find myself, in light of the current health/safety precautions, deferring my 28th Annual park clean up scheduled for COVID19th of April.

I had all preparations in place and it was promising to be a GREAT year. How could it not after the year of the ice storm and a freezing rain, dreary day, that we moved back a week to allow us ANOTHER rainy, dreary day? We remember them all.

I was looking forward to my annual catch up with many of you as it seems my park clean-up is the only time I see you.

As much as I would like to be able to use the catchphrase “Rain, Shine, Ice storm or Pandemic, the event happens!”, this year we are unavoidably delayed.

I will be at the park on Sunday, 19 April as I have been for the last few weeks, collecting garbage and scrap metal. I would be happy to see those of you who are willing come out and, while keeping a safe distance from one another, collect what you can. I’ll be the one in the Bonnet and army boots. Shout “Hello” from a socially distanced acceptable standard!

It doesn’t need to be today, or even on Sunday the 19th . If you can spare ten minutes during your walks, the park and, by extension, ourselves, can only benefit.

I can’t offer you supplies or draw prizes this year (yet) but I can offer you the spirit and the camaraderie of like-minded neighbours and the knowledge that we are doing our best to help make the world a healthier place while we endeavour to keep ourselves and our friends, family and community healthy.

I look forward to our return to better times and to rescheduling a proper park clean up. You know, with only the miserable weather to complain about!

My thanks as always, for your ongoing support and my best wishes to all of you and your families.

Stay Healthy

Alan Roy
Colonel Samuel Smith Park Clean Up

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