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Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Summary: FOSS Steering Committee Meeting                                         
7:06PM, LAMP, 185 5th Street, Etobicoke

FOSS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING: October 24, 2017, 7:00PM, LAMP (large meeting room).
a)    Volunteers needed for projects such as—2018 FOSS Photography Exhibition, May Bird Festival, and the Winter Bird Feeding Project at Colonel Sam Park.
b)   Treasurer’s Report
c)    Question and Answer Session
d)   Formation of a Steering Committee (maximum 12) for selection of an executive
e)    Slide show presentation of Sam Smith Park and its wildlife
f)     Door prize—framed nature photograph
g)   Refreshments

ASSEMBLY HALL CULTURAL DAYS (SEPTEMBER 30): FOSS volunteers will lead nature photography sessions in Colonel Sam Park and facilitate children’s bird feeder and bird nesting material projects.

SPRING BIRD FESTIVAL UPDATE: Deemed to be a great success. Thanks to all the volunteers and attendees. Large crowds. Additional exhibitors would be greatly welcomed for 2018.

INVASIVE SPECIES: FOSS Steering Committee members successfully cut and bagged most of the burdock (a weed known to be a danger to small birds as they may become captured by the sticky dried seed heads) in Colonel Sam Park. The team’s goal is to attack this plant in May 2018 when it is in flower. Additional volunteers welcome.

 DRUG/GARBAGE PROBLEMS AT COL. SAM: Discarded drug paraphernalia and litter are on-going detriments in the park, particularly in the North Creek area. Visitors are asked to notify the police at 416 808-2200 for drug infractions and 311 for trash build-up.

TWO-HOUR PARKING LIMIT ON SOUTH LOT AT COLONEL SAM: Vehicles are being marked and fines are being issued.


Anonymous said...

I am dismayed at the removal of garbage and recycling bins from several locations in the park, but particularly

1. the bins near the
Morrison St park entrance,as people using the parking lot or exiting the park from the path near Jean Tweed House have nowhere to deposit garbage; and

2. those on the west side of the park been the marina bridge and the water plant. Walkers heading north and east from the marina bridge have to carry garbage all the way to the parking area, and let's face it, many can't be bothered. I've requested they be replaced via 311, Mr. Grimes and the park authorities, and despite assurances that "solutions are being investigated", nothing has happened. Is this something FOSS is concerned about too?

Anonymous said...

There are new recycling and garbage bins by the water treatment plant as well as by the Morrison entrance.